10 days left!

by liz

I am leaving for Tanzania in ten days! I am taking part in the ACM Tanzania program, which is a semester long and will last from August 13th (which is when I fly NYC–> Dubai –> Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) until my arrival back in the USA on December 11th. I’ll be taking courses in Swahili, ecology, evolution, and research methods. Though we are all starting the program staying in dorms at the University of Dar es Salaam, we will also spend one week with a host family, the following week on fall break (during which I might climb Mt. Meru! Which is almost as cool as Kilimanjaro, but much cheaper and with less of a chance of getting severe altitude sickness), the following six weeks camping in tents in Tarangire National Park, and the last few weeks back with the host family. Somewhere along in there I believe we will see the Serengeti as well as Ngorongoro crater.

I am excited! But also nerous! I’ll try to update this often, hopefully with lots of pictures. Hopefully you will cut me some slack for my lack of writing skills, since I am a bio major, but maybe I will improve along the way!